Assessor Offices in Cayuga County, NY calculate the value of all taxable property in their municipality by conducting property appraisals. They may also be responsible for determining the property taxes for each parcel. Assessor Offices maintain information on all properties, including property maps, boundary lines, zoning boundaries, and parcel divisions. This information is often available in a property viewer on the Assessor Office website. Cayuga County property viewers may also provide information on appraisal values, zoning restrictions, and Cayuga County property tax assessments. They can be used to locate unclaimed parcels, public property, and look up property owner information or parcel numbers in Cayuga County.
Auburn City Assessor Auburn NY 24 South Street, Ste 314 13021 315-255-4125 Suggest Edit
Ira Town Assessor Cato NY 2487 W Main St 13033 315-626-6217 Suggest Edit
Montezuma Assessor Port Byron NY 8671 Purser Road 13140 315-776-5194 Suggest Edit
Treasurer and Tax Collector Offices in Cayuga County, NY collect property taxes for a local government and distribute these funds. They maintain several property records that may be available as part of Cayuga County property viewers. A property viewer, also called a Cayuga County property map, includes property tax assessments, real estate appraisal reports, boundary lines, and zoning boundaries. These viewers may also provide information on the current owners, parcel numbers, and unclaimed parcels. Cayuga County property owners or potential buyers can use property viewers to locate information about paid and unpaid property taxes, tax liens, and foreclosures. Property viewers are typically available on the Treasurer and Tax Collector Office website.
Auburn Treasurer Auburn NY 24 South Street, Ste 103 13021 315-255-4143 Suggest Edit
Cayuga County Treasurer's Office Auburn NY PO Box 190 13021 315-253-1490 Suggest Edit
Building Departments in Cayuga County, NY create and enforce codes and regulations to ensure the construction of safe buildings. As part of this responsibility, Building Departments may keep Cayuga County property viewers, which display information about all the properties in the department's area. These property viewers may include information on parcel numbers, property tax assessments, building permits, and occupancy permits. They also show property zones, including the rules and regulations for each zone and zoning boundaries, making them useful resources for property owners or prospective buyers. Cayuga County Building Department property viewers may be available online.
Auburn Zoning Auburn NY 6931 Cherry Street Road 13021 315-253-2698 Suggest Edit
Ira Town Zoning Cato NY 2487 West Main Street 13033 315-626-6217 Suggest Edit
Recorders of Deeds in Cayuga County, NY maintain real estate ownership documents as part of their job to ensure the accuracy of property, land, and property tax records. They have records on every property in their municipality, and they may provide a property viewer to look up this information. Cayuga County property viewers provide information on parcel boundaries, property owners, property divisions, and zoning boundaries. They can also show Cayuga County parcel numbers, unclaimed parcels, and property tax information, including property tax assessments, unpaid property taxes, and tax liens or foreclosures. Recorders of Deeds may provide online access to a property viewer on their website.
Cayuga County Recorder of Deeds Auburn NY 160 Genesee Street 13021 315-253-1271 Suggest Edit
Archives in Cayuga County, NY preserve records that have historical significance for a local area, which can include property records. Some Archives may provide property information in the form of a property viewer, which can be used to look up historic Cayuga County property boundaries, ownership information, and property divisions over time, as well as historical city and town maps. These Cayuga County public property records may also list historical property tax rates or property value assessments and any changes to property maps over time, which make them valuable for conducting genealogical research. Archives may provide online access to their property viewers.
Cayuga County Records Archive Auburn NY 12 Court Street 13021 315-253-1037 Suggest Edit
Historical Societies in Cayuga County, NY maintain documents and objects that have historical value, and this can include property records. Historical Societies may keep historic Cayuga County property tax records, property sale documents like deeds and titles, or property maps from different eras. They may also provide property information in the form of a property viewer, which can show historic property boundaries, changes to municipal lines and zones, and ownership information. Cayuga County property viewers can also show property appraisal values and property tax rates over time, and they are an useful tool for conducting research. Property viewers may be available online through the Historical Society website.
Cayuga-Owasco Lakes Historical Society Moravia NY 14 West Cayuga Street 13118 315-497-3906 Suggest Edit
Frontenac Historical Society Union Springs NY 8 Cayuga Street 13160 315-889-7273 Suggest Edit
Old Brutus Historical Society Weedsport NY 8943 North Seneca Street 13166 315-834-9342 Suggest Edit
Port Byron Lock 52 Historical Society Port Byron NY 73 Pine Street 13140 315-776-4027 Suggest Edit